Letter Writing

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Letter Writing

Post by salt6 »

When was the last time you contacted your congresman? Don't forget to give them an atta' boy if they do something you agree with. They need to hear from supporters as well.

If you have good ideas for letters post them here.

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Re: Letter Writing

Post by www.Prussia.us »

Salt, you raise an excellent point often we only call/e-mail/write to complain, it is wise to laud sometime, it is just rare we get the chance to extend praise. Here is my sample:

(Remember your House member and two Senators are BOTH your “congressmen” as spelled out in Article 1 of the Constitution, but this template is for a House member)

Dear Congressman _____

Thank you for taking the time from your busy day of fundraising and dialing for dollars on the phone to have a low-level, unpaid college intern read my rant before it goes to the circular file. While you are raising the average $2.5 million it takes to hold your seat every two years and listening to lobbyists who suck the oxygen and opportunity for true communication away from your constituents, it is nice to know you care. Do not work too hard those three days a week you are in the Capital naming post offices, passing useless resolutions, and attending hours of sponsored events imbibing free food and booze. I hope you enjoy your $174,000 base salary that we pay for, maybe some day you can come down from the ivory tower and understand the true plight of your fellow Americans. Thank you for your time.

Best regards,

Wile E. Coyote
Last edited by salt6 on Mon Oct 12, 2009 10:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: No edit. This one is sarcasm for just that special day.
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Re: Letter Writing

Post by ChrisPCook »

http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_i ... rs_cfm.cfm



Make sure they hear from you, the libs definitely aren't silent on political issues, we (conservatives) need to be represented as well, a democracy will fail without the input of both sides on an issue.

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Re: Letter Writing


I have been in personal email contact with Paul Kohls of St. Paul, MN. He appears to be a conservative and wants to steer government in that direction. He knows I support him with my vote. Ditto for Michelle Bachman. Writing a letter to the Democrat representatives has not generated anything more than one form letter response. I would not expect any more from Barbara Boxer or Nancy PEEEElosi.
Knight's Armoury
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