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Taking the plunge - help me from doing something stupid

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:42 pm
by gunslingerdoc

1.Order 2 kits (one for me one for my co-conspirator) from Dan - WWII receiver, post war 308 parts.
2. Order manuals from J. Baum and read them.
3. When kits arrive, contact huntsinmtns for internals work, ship parts to him for mods.
4. Mig or stick weld the receiver s- really just get it tacked in place and then go to machinist to have it Tig'd.
5. Wait patiently for huntsinmtns - Hardest part for me, but quality work takes time and irritating a craftman is generally stupid.
6. Buy belts/cans. Still have to find the best (cheapest) source.
7. Not shoot all the 308 up in my 1919's or order more from Southern ammo.
8. Have children begin fillng links - one of my favorite punishments (except the boys like doing it).
9. Assemble parts to/in receiver.
10. Test fire - if works got to 11. If not whine, and figure it out and /or ask more ?'s.
11. Refinish via sand blasting, phosphate with K-phos and then Kg coat the beast.
12. Acquire 8mm parts for conversion and get then running.

Do I need a belt loader? Will a PKM belt loader work?

How many extra barrels?

Spare parts that are good to have around?

What do you think about the PLAN?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:54 pm
by TOM R
sounds good but you forgot get a second job to pay for ammo :shock:

ima has ww2 can with 5 belts $39

sportsman guide belt loader $89 numric $99 ?

get a gunners tool rool/cleaning kit aleg arson, rtg

hunts work looks awsome and is garunteed so just like the T&S 1919 plate it is worth the wait :D

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 8:34 pm
by Karbinator
Get the 8mm swap parts now. The ammo is going for $70 at 900 rds. !!!!!
Besides, why get to step 10, and find out your prob. is because the 308. primers are Different
than the 8mm (long story, but can sometimes be "THE" snag that keeps you at step 10).
Everything else seems to be exactly the way I approached it.

Good luck....... welcome aboard........

skip in VA

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 9:20 pm
by JBaum
PKM belt loader doesn't work - and with as cheap as the .308 belt loader is, get one soon.

If you swap out the barrels when they get hot, you'll have a tough time wearing them out. I have a total of 4 .308 barrels, and 5 8mm mauser barrels, and haven't hurt any of them and I'm running full auto.

Get a spare nozzle, barrel, feed tray and top cover, and you can swap calibers in a minute. The AA tripod is great when you weight it down. It's much more comfortable than squatting with the Lafette, and it's more fun to hang onto the MG when aiming than just sliding the traverse around.

A spare bolt is nice to have, just in case an extractor or firing breaks, but they're a lot more work (= money) for semi than for full auto. The kits with the extractors and extra parts aren't the correct extractor for the old style bolts, so they're worthless.

New MG42 Build

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 6:55 am
by Abwehr
I think Tom and John hit the old perverbial "nail on the head" with what you need. Go to the Weaponeers Forum and there is a potential group buy on 8mm and 7.62 barrels from IO. Also, there may be other items like AA sights, feed tray, etc.

If you can't wait, call IO about the barrels. Most of the ones I have are from them. The 8mm are WWII and the post war 7.62 is WWII trunnion with a Steyr barrel. All are like new. I don't know what they have left, but the ones I saw were in great condition. I have currently (4) 8mm and (1) 7.62.

The deal at SG for a WWII ammo can and (4) WWII belts is a good deal. As to the belt loading..... they need to be lubricated with oil to run well and be CLEAN! I usually don't keep them loaded until I know when I am going to shoot. When I get new belts, I soak them in paint thinner overnight, use a worn .45APC bore brush to clean ALL the dirt, dust, etc. After they dry, I dip them in motor oil, hang them up to drain, roll them up and place in a ziplock bag. When I get ready to load, I do a light wipe of any excess oil and load up. Yea, I get a little oil on the rounds from my hands, but a little is OK and helps in extraction. Just to be safe, wipe the bottom of the rounds so no oil gets to the primer. As with any belt fed gun, carry a rag to the range too for you dirty hands, LOL

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 3:16 pm
by gunslingerdoc
Thanks for the info guys.

Im gunna start with 308 simply because of 'gun' time limitations. I just cant always get time to clean guns the day I shoot them. Ive played the corrosive game before and unless one is real meticulous, something will rust. I occassionally shoot 8mm but its only on those, "Im going shooting and I'll be back when Im done. The cel phone and pager are on the dresser. Bye, Honey."

SG is backordered on loaders so I ordered one through numrich.

I'll have to keep me eye out on barrels. This is one of those things that 3-4 years from now we'll all be bitching about how cheap kits/parts/accessories were and we didnt buy "X" so Ive been really trying to stock up on spares and parts kits. Of course I cant seem to recall a time when there were so many cool parts kits out there.

Thanks again guys..

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 8:24 am
by TOM R
I just ordered a loader from sg yesterday(had a 10 off cupon) they didn't say they were backordered, this is why I am orderin stuff i can't realy afford it but soon they will be out of stock and new stock will be much higher prices since we are all buildin 42's now :shock:

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 10:36 am
by gunslingerdoc
Anybody order from Marstart out of Canada? They have good prices on drums and belts, as well as a gunners kit.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 12:29 pm
by TOM R
I got a drum from them about a year ago, the prices are cheap but add shipping and you can get them from ima or others faster for a little more, i have heard on other boards that lately you can't rely on them to ship items or even stock them, kits need a import permit :?

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 7:08 am
by slowfinger
Gunslingerdoc, I finaly got my import form 6a to order from Marstar, but now there all sold out of what I was going to order. Go figure! Yes parts kits are rrreeeaaalll plentiful out there, got one comming soon! :) Slowfinger

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 8:29 pm
by TOM R
well I got the email confirmation that the loader was shipped today, maybe I got the last one? if you need one now I think coles and numrich has em under $100

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 8:50 pm
by stifeout
Tom Can I get Cole's web address?? :oops:

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 9:03 pm
by TOM R
seem to have lost it if no one else posts it i will try tommorow :D

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 9:51 pm
by gunslingerdoc
e-gunparts (numrich) shipped mine out today. I ordered either this weekend or Monday via the net. Ive had few probs with them as long as I order off the web and dont talk to the phone idiots.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 12:35 pm
by TOM R